Cancer Solar Eclipse New Moon Mandala

Lynne Lynn Keefer’s Mandala Journal

Cancer Solar Eclipse New Moon
June 20, 2020
Let There Be Peace

Most of the time when I look at a mandala I see the shapes…shape after shape within shapes. Sometimes, like with this mandala, it’s not the shapes that capture my attention, but an image that won’t let me go and it’s all I can see.

The Mandala
Created by Sandra “Sunny” Mosley

At the outside ring – a representation of the ring of fire solar eclipse.
I used Orange and Yellowed Orange with an overlay of Spanish Orange and Poppy Red encased in metallic Gellyroll of Gold and Orange.

The next ring represents the moon… specifically the dark side of the moon as that is what we see during a Solar eclipse.
Something dark but not black, though black was my first thought.  The darkest color I own is Dioxazine Purple Hue.  Purple seems fitting… “composure vs. animosity, leadership, altruistic, dignified, humane, artistic, boundless, spiritual leader.”  Good qualities!
~The Complete Book of Color Healing” by Lillian Verner-Bonds

The next circle, along with the square (squaring the circle), could mean wholeness – “the integration of the masculine (straight lines) with the feminine (curving lines). They convey balance, stability and symmetry.”   (The Mandala Workbook, Fincher). Together they feel like a representation of earth and her inhabitants as the 3rd body… the observer of events and the receiver of the energy these events convey.  Square representing the solidity of land (masculine)… Green (Apple and Grass) for vibrancy… lushness… and again, St. Hidegard’s “veriditas”; and for the circle representing the fluidity of water (feminine) my favorite color in the collection: Copenhagen Blue, though I’ve never been to Copenhagen.  😉

Two seven pointed stars:
The Septagram has gone by many names throughout time.  “…The septagram is also an important symbol in the Kabbalah where it corresponds to the sphere of Netzach or Victory” (The Illustrated Signs & Symbols Sourcebook, Nozedar)  Another source uses the term Sphere of Venus, though I do not know how reliable or reputable is the source. Sphere of Victory does, however, work here as a symbol of Venus, giving it even more significance… suggesting that what is expressed has already occurred, Victory!!(much like giving thanks for a prayer with the faith that it has already been answered.). So how do we describe this victory?

Venus has been described as the Goddess of Beauty… of Love… of Peace. One seven-pointed star is full and voluptuous… in light blue as the evening star pointing down with an energy of Be-ing (feminine); the other, thin, bright and vibrant as the morning star pointing up with the energy of Do-ing (masculine).  At the time of the New Moon Solar Eclipse she is preparing, within a matter of a few days time, to station direct and move forward as the morning star.  It is as though she has thought about “it” enough… contemplated “it” enough… planned and researched enough.  Enough is enough already… she is ready and it is now time to Do… to act on… to express outwardly her Be-ing-ness. Her ability to Do her Be-ing is the victory.

In the center, Sandra drew three triangles joined at the central point, with an arcing outer edge softening the lines echoing the square/circle as a masculine and feminine symbol.  They speak to me of The Trinity – so an engendered sacredness….a holy community is expressed.  However, the very first thing I saw, the image I did not expect to see… that captivated me and would not let me go when I first saw this mandala, was a bird.  The 3 triangles joined along with the bottom point of the blue star spoke to me of a dove a common symbol for the second person of the Trinity, The Holy Spirit … descending… also a symbol for peace; colored in White, embellished in metallic Gold and again,  Poppy Red, my favorite color for The Spirit.

The Take Away

At a critically important time, energetically speaking (the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 0Cancer21), Venus, the Goddess of Beauty, of Love, of Peace moves from Be-ing beauty, love, and peace to Do-ing, or expressing in a meaningful way her beauty, her love, and her peace.  Along with The Holy Spirit invites us to do Our beauty… our love… our peace in whatever way makes sense for each of us at this time for peace is firstly a decision… often worked toward and not automatically bestowed though this energy can certainly assist us. The work of letting go, of forgiveness, mending and compassionate tending must often come before peace is granted.

The song that came to mind when I first looked at the mandala after coloring it was “Let There Be Peace on Earth” by Jill Jackson and Sy Miller.  The song speaks of a peace on earth that was always meant to be… of walking together in harmony as family and culminates in a most solemn vow… a pledge… a commitment:

“To take each moment, and live each moment in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

Each cycle I often select an intention candle to meditate with. Oddly enough, before the cycle started, before the mandala came out, I was drawn to the candle entitled “Peace”. With all that’s going on in the world who can’t use a little of that?  And some more than others. Written on the paper wrapping of the candle:

“May my mind, heart and soul reach a state of perfect serenity.
May all my thoughts and actions reflect my pursuit of a peaceful and tranquil existence.”
~ Crystal Journey Candles

May it be so for you and yours as well! Amen!

Thank You!

Thank You!!

Thank You!!!

Love, Hugs and Blessings,
L xoxxx

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