Taurus New Moon Mandala

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Lynn Keefer’s Mandala Journal

2015 Taurus New Moon Mandala

2015 Taurus New Moon Mandala

Taurus New Moon 
May 17, 2015

I never know from where inspiration will come…well I do know the Source of inspiration but I just never know to what G-d will bring me to or how things will be revealed. Since ‘Nature’s New Year’ began in March, I seem to be pulled to the Key Phrase for each cycle.   The last moon cycle was in Aries, the “I AM” cycle and interestingly enough it was still making its presence known at the beginning of this Taurus moon cycle. As one might suspect, a repeating message means there’s more to be revealed… that I don’t quite have the message yet. One thing I do know is each of us can say, “I am spirit”- that immortal diamond, book of the same name by Fr. Richard Rohr, while G-d, according to Moses, said, “I AM” – which is being itself. Our true, authentic essence is spirit… spirit that lives beyond this physical existence… eternal, precious, pure. The key phrase for Taurus is ‘I Have’ and my first inclination was to say:

I Have:

… a body.” And then, all that comes with being in the physical world which includes things, or the stuff of this world.

…gifts and explored how those gifts are cultivated either through positive, nurturing circumstances or through adversity. I shared a picture on Facebook of a small sapling growing out of a drain pipe high up in a church steeple which just spoke volumes to me about living in spite of adversity.

…relationships… and while this statement started out as an “I Have” statement, the more I think about it feels more like ‘I am in a relationship’ so perhaps more of I Am + I Have… ? Hmmm. And again, as I stated on Facebook, while I have or am in many wonderful relationships the most prominent relationships in my life are with my Lovie Dearest (husband, Gary) and of course the single solitary, most important relationship through which everything flows is my relationship with the Divine Beloved… the Hound of Heaven… the Source of all Being… Lover of souls… pure Love itself…G-d. I cannot think of a time in my life when I did not talk to/question/consult with G-d and look for G-d’s answers.

My life skill review continued as I worked on a translation of The Prayer by Sager/Foster and found a typo in the process. Had I not individually translated each phrase of Italian I would have missed the error and would have miss spoke, miss sung, miss communicated. And while no one might have caught the error had I sang it as written, it is important to me to be authentic… to be faithful to the language. One never knows what another will understand. I found this exercise to be quite affirming.

Two profound messages came through nature in this cycle. The first was moth through whom the question, “What destructive habits or people need to go?” I am aware of at least two of us who have walked away from mentally and emotionally destructive people… burning the bridge and ending the relationship. As for myself, I can say that I hold no animosity. I truly wish for this person every grace and blessing.  And while I can see that perhaps this action makes me intolerant of another, for now at least, I’m feeling the need to step back, step away, and let go.

The other message came through a turkey feather. As I mentioned on Facebook, I have wanted a Hawk feather for some time…but This feather was literally in my path. It was an “I MUST HAVE.” J Interesting that in this earth element cycle, a predominantly earth-bound bird would be so prominent. The symbolic meaning of turkey feather is “abundance, pride, fertility.” We can want…but we are always given what we need. I must say that at my age the idea of being fertile makes me shudder! LOL… But then, I realize that while one can be physically fertile, there are also other ways of being fertile… in mind, in spirit, through good deeds and creativity.

The Mandala


There are really only three numbers represented here: four sets of 8 for the Cosmic Christ; two sets of 11 for wisdom, and two set of 3 for the Divine…the Trinity represented here in red-orange, the color of the spectrum for Taurus and the three sets or rings of petals.

I loved the idea of this three-fold blossoming and chose the colors of white (for purity), blue and pink (associated with Taurus) to represent the blooming that is happening all around and within us at this time of year. Dark yellow, also associated with Taurus, was used for the “suns” which just peak out over the edge of the “horizon” – representative of this “early morning” time of year. I used it in the central circle of the central blossom as well as the small adornments at the outer ring which also look like rising suns to me. While I am certain Sandra had something entirely different in mind when she created this mandala, I couldn’t help but give a nod to Moth and Turkey interestingly enough showing up in the two sets of eleven. One releases the destructive (moth) while the other (turkey) gives or encourages us to receive abundance, pride (as in self-acceptance) and fertility.

As the cycle closes I find myself tremendously grounded and the two words that resonate with me are choices and responsibility. While I find the spiritual path intriguing, enlightening mystical, almost magical… the physical plane has always been much more challenging for me. Learning to say no, not over doing or over extending myself, taking care of the body I have been given, have always been challenging for me. And yet, I find myself in these latter days of the cycle with a renewed sense of commitment to take care of this body, the vehicle of my spirit, and to close the door on those relationships that are not love affirming.

You may remember that my word for this year is Simplicity and regrettably the first three weeks of this cycle were anything but! Last week I shared with my pastor that it appears that if I don’t simplify my life, G-d will do it for me. On June 21, within a week of the coming cycle marking the new moon in Gemini, I am to call in and see if they want to poll me for jury duty for a nearby federal court case. Talk about a game changer – to be focused on just one thing… everything else to be laid aside for eight weeks. I can’t imagine and yet I need to try to imagine that. (What’s really important? What can I really let go of?) I understand the importance of taking care of one’s self first. Like the airplane attendant always says, “Put your face mask on first before assisting others.” Get yourself some oxygen so you can function and be of service. Fill your reservoir FIRST so there’s something TO give. My tank has been running on low lately and I’ve been feeling tapped and somewhat trapped… kind of like the moth I saw this month stuck between the screen and the window – alive but not really living, surviving but not thriving. Something needs to go. I pray for the guidance to make wise choices that can be life and love affirming not only for myself but for those whom I serve.

So I have made a commitment to take care of this vessel. In the final evening of this cycle, I planned an anointing ceremony for my body…complete with bubble bath. My daughter has me hooked on Lush products! Great stuff! And, once in a while I indulge myself. In addition, I always delight in being supported by the Divine. Yesterday, while looking for some extra dark chocolate for those times when I would like a little something, I picked up a bar – so intent on looking for anything labeled 75% chocolate or higher I wasn’t really paying attention. My son pointed out to me, “Did you read the label, Mom?” It read: Divine – with a heart in place of the v. And then a bunch of asparagus out of place but where I would find it… and the last bag of low-fat string cheese that my husband likes… and the perfect parking place and many other such beautiful blessings that might be construed as coincidences. It reminded me of the bumper sticker I saw earlier in this cycle: God   you! And I realized, I do, indeed, have… everything I need.

Love, Hugs and Blessings,
