New Phase, Sagittarius Lunation Cycle

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Sunny’s Days

New Phase Dec 14 – 17, 2020

The energy of the New phase relates to sight, inner and outer. Since the whole picture cannot be seen, it can be a time of vulnerability and doubt. The function of this phase is to become aware of the intention; later there will be opportunities to revise and reorient.

A visionary action is necessary during the New phase. This is the time to form your intent;  see it first with your inner vision and then create a visual representation of it that can be viewed throughout the cycle.

More about the New Phase of the lunation cycle.

Visual Support

One of my practices at the New Moon is to assemble an altar on the top of a bookcase in my studio. Every time I walk past it, I have a visual reminder of the qualities of the cycle and the support offered by it.

2020 Sagittarius Altar

My Altar for this cycle has the Tarot card #14 Temperance in the center flanked by an angel on either side representing the angels in my life who have given me support and reminding me they are always with me when I need guidance. There are two candles in Sun and Moon candle holders behind the small glass angel on the left symbolizing the energy of the Solar Eclipse. In the center are three crystals. Kyanite on the left, Apophyllite on the right and a clear Quartz multi pointed crystal cluster in the center.

Guided Meditation for the Sagittarius New Moon

Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, hands resting on tops of thighs, feet flat on the floor,

breathe deeply…

inhale Strength…

exhale Introspection…

inhale Wisdom…

exhale Knowledge…

inhale Realization…

exhale Perspective…

Imagine yourself in a rocket ship.

Feel the propulsion system building power as you are about to take off.

Feel the excitement of exploration and expanding horizons as the momentum builds.

Let your imagination travel ahead of you in your quest for truth.

Allow your mind to wander though exotic landscapes.

What direction does your heart urge you to follow?

Color the Sagittarius Mandala below using colors that express your meditative experience.

Mandala Support

A Mandala is a powerful meditation device for focusing sacred intentions. I encourage you to create your own mandala or print out and color the mandala I created according to the geometric patterns prominent in the chart for the New Moon.

Mandala for the New Moon in Sagittarius

Download this Sagittarius New Moon Mandala to Color

More about Mandalas