2017 Solar Eclipse in Leo

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts New Moon News

Leo: The Lion


Lion Quest © Carol St James – 16″ x ‘”20″ watercolor on paper

Chart for the  New Moon on August 21, 2017:

Sabian Symbol for 29º Leo

“A Mermaid Emerges From The Ocean Waves Ready For Rebirth in Human Form.”

This symbol depicts the yearning for conscious form and solidarity. This degree is about the stage at which an intense feeling-intuition rising from the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought.
— from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases© 1973 Dane Rudhyar.

Highlights of the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 28º Leo 53′:

The New Moon on August 21 is receiving a lot of attention because it is also a Solar Eclipse. More so because it is a total eclipse, and although there have been other total eclipses visible over various parts of the US, this is the first total eclipse since 1918 to be visible from coast to coast. See maps of the various eclipse paths through time and information about the timing and view-ability of this eclipse. Furthermore, the focus of the eclipse energy is on the star Regulus, at the heart of the lion constellation, a sign long associated with royalty and leadership, along with demise. This is a north nodal eclipse, suggesting that we are being called to develop new skills and talents through independent effort.

This Leo lunation cycle offers the experience of applying what you learned during the last cycle, especially during the last two weeks since the Lunar Eclipse, and beginning fresh with what you’ve learned. It begins amid feelings of shock and awe (New Moon trine Uranus, septile Jupiter & Mercury bi-septile Saturn) and proceeds to move forward with organized activity (Mars trine Saturn). The major challenge this cycle is an obsessive urge for creative self-expression that can lead to disillusionment, the desire to escape from reality or to a spiritual rebirth in which the belief in the Oneness of all things support individual creative expression (Sun & Moon quindecile Neptune).

The creativity exists to for humankind to experience equality, without losing individuality or independence. It is time to look at our illusions about our abilities and limitations, adjusting our vision accordingly to give and receive the love and light needed at this time.

This cycle introduces a series of lunation cycles where the Full Moon in a sign will precede the New Moon in a sign. This occurs approximately every 2 years for about 6 months. For example, although we are in the Leo lunation cycle, the Full Moon will take place across the Virgo Pisces axis, suggesting that during the course of this phase you will gain insight not only to where you stand in relation to your goal for this cycle, but also into the workings of the upcoming Virgo lunation cycle. Take notes.

Our recommendations:

At the total eclipse the light of the Sun is blocked by the Moon. Where the eclipse is total, day turns into night.  Metaphysically speaking, the light of our consciousness turns dark, opening a channel to be infused with creativity from the unconscious collective flow.  Being in the dark can be very scary thing.  We can view this time of radical change, full of endings and beginnings, as fearful and something to resist, or as beneficial and something to embrace. We can look at the eclipse as an omen of doom and disaster or as a unique portal in time offering an opportunity to realign with our Solar Purpose.

Our advice is to take time during the eclipse and throughout the month to focus on your heart. Put your hands on your heart and feel it beat. Thank it for all the work it does internally to keep you alive. Thank it for your life. Let your heart be filled with gratitude for everything in life you have been privileged to enjoy. See your gratitude as a bright light growing bigger and brighter in your heart, and increasing in strength and radiating out into the universe. Feel the benevolence of your shining heart and, in a moment of courage and trust, throw open the doors to your heart to give and receive love. Unconditionally. Give yourself and all others an act of love, honor your heart — live with the purpose of becoming a better person.

As we did at the last Leo New Moon, we recommend dedicating this cycle to understanding the passions that power your life. The key to shining in your outer world lies in attending to your inner world. During these last days of summer allow yourself to participate in play time and recreational activity. Play with personal projects, devote the month to refreshing your talents and re-creating your world into a more trusting and loving place.

Follow your heart; detach from the egotistical perspective that you have all the right answers and that everything depends on you and you alone. Focus on the more altruistic premise that all you need do to make a positive contribution to the world is open your heart. Risk goes hand in hand with progress. Be courageous, exercise your will power to stand firm, and express yourself through some type of creative endeavor.

This is an excellent cycle to inhabit your sacred space where you can more comfortably develop your trust into love.

Remember the powerful energy of the Sun is blinding, even when viewed in darkness. Consider the painting of the Lion above, his eyes are closed and the darkened Sun is behind him. Close your eyes, look within with gratitude for the gifts of life you have to share.

Affirm: I Open My Heart To Become Love.

Quote for this cycle:

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.”
~ Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961) Swiss psychiatrist

Mandala Support

A Mandala is a powerful device for creating and focusing on sacred intentions. We encourage you to create and color your own mandala or print out and color our 2017 Leo Solar Eclipse Mandala.

You are invited to send your mandalas to us for placement in our Mandala Gallery.

Please check out Lynn Keefer’s Mandala Journal, where Lynn shares the mandala she colors every month, along with her meditative process.

Staying Current

The Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal, which usually posts at each phase with tips on working with the current cosmic and lunar energies, is currently on hiatus and the posts are sporadic.

Sandra shares her personal moon phase journal, Sunny’s Days. We invite you to join her walk through the year. Declare your intentions – start your own moon phase journal. Share your images, words, colors, and goals for this lunation cycle in the comments below the posts.

Or, if you’re on Facebook, you can get Zodiac Arts‘ and Sandra’s posts in your news feed and respond there.

Off-site Resources:

Artist, author, educator, and dear friend, Donna Iona Drozda uses solar, lunar and numerological cycles as a blueprint for living the life of a “Heartist.”  Keep up with her Lifecycle offerings and updates on her Lifecycle Blog, and be sure to subscribe to her Luna See email newsletter.

CJ Wright at Auntie Moon offers daily insights and other good lunar tidings at her website, plus she has monthly lunation cycle workbooks. She also has an excellent video: Moon Phases and New Moon Intentions.

Margaret Koolman’s New Moon insights can be found at her website, SoulAstrology.com. Margaret writes beautifully and offers excellent counsel.

Jessica Shepherd is always a good read at Moonkissd.com.

Elaine Kalantarian at Blue Moon Astrology uses astrology to describe archetypal processes at the New and Full Moons.

April Elliott Kent at Big Sky Astrology is adept at putting the current cosmic conditions into personally identifiable terms.

Nadia Gilchrist has recently captured our attention at Ruby Slipper Astrology, where she writes about the lunations and other cosmic events.

Stephanie Gailing, another of our favorites, offers her insights and apothecary suggestions on her web site. Her book, Planetary Apothecary: An Astrological Approach to Health and Wellness, has tips on health-supporting foods, spa and wellness therapies, relaxation practices, yoga poses, aromatherapy, natural remedies, and flower essences customized for each Zodiac sign.

Lynda Hill takes a thorough look at the Sabian Symbols active this cycle.

Christina Rodenbeck at The Oxford Astrologer generously writes and posts excellent articles on current transits, world events and the arts. Her monthly horoscopes are well worth a small subscription fee.

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