Find Balance In Release

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Libra lunation cycle (October 8 – November 7)

Balsamic phase (November 3 – 7)

The Balsamic phase is often called the Dark Moon. It is both the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. This is the phase of release and purification and a time requiring rest and renewal. The ending of the Libra cycle calls for quiet contemplation. It’s time to surrender your relationship worries and dwell on deepening the most important relationship of all – your relationship with your self.

Allow yourself time to withdraw from social activities. Give yourself space to explore the emotional depths that have been touched during this cycle. Think of this time as an investment in yourself and in your future relationships. To fully engage the energy of the coming Scorpio lunation cycle, empty yourself of the need for perfection. Free yourself of criticism, both from and of others. Have faith that the relationship decisions made during this cycle are right and perfect for you at this time.

Sensitivity to sound is heightened during the Balsamic phase making it especially important to eliminate distressing sounds from your environment. Listen to music that evokes positive memories and feelings.

Find an overview of this Libra lunation cycle here, along with a more in-depth description of the Balsamic Phase here.

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