Gemini cycle, New phase: June 16 – 19

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal


Color the Gemini Mandala.

Gemini lunation cycle, New phase

June 16 – 19
Visualize your intention for the cycle. Notice the images that come to your mind when the subjects of communication, information, education, transportation, siblings, neighbors, local commutes and local communities come up. Draw or take a picture symbolizing your intention for the cycle

June 16
Make a list of information you want to receive and relate. Associate a color with every item on your list.

June 17-18
Visualize your home with a fabulous resource library. See the shelves lined with the titles that bring you comfort; the ones that pique your curiosity, the ones that challenge and you to inspire you to learn more.

June 19
Color a mandala using colors that excite and express your desires.