New Moon in Capricorn, December 28, 2016

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts New Moon News

Here’s the chart for the Capricorn New Moon:

New Moon in Capricorn
December 28, 2016


The sign of Capricorn is associated with materialism, practicality, reality, and a sense of responsibility, it is the sign of the executive. The house that Capricorn occupies in the natal chart shows an area of life where one assumes extra responsibility and looks for respect.

An earth sign with a focus on authority, big business, government, and professionalism, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Organizational skills, the ability to focus, conservatism, and dedication to duty are Capricorn qualities that combine to support achievement. Capricorn is known for climbing to the top.

Use this cycle to look at the past year. What were your goals for 2016? Did you achieve them? Note what things didn’t get completed and why and release any attachment to them.

List all your accomplishments, whether or not they relate to the goals you had set. Note what you learned about yourself and life last year.

Determine what is important as you look to the future. What is it you would like to accomplish over the course of the next 12 months?

The key phrases for Capricorn are “I Use” and “I Achieve”.
Capricorn symbol: a mountain goat or a stylized sea-goat.


Capricorn symbol:


Tarot Symbolism

Attune to the qualities of Capricorn with a 3-minute tarot meditation on The Devil.

The Devil teaches us to see through outer appearances, to laugh at our pretensions and to take responsibility for our behavior. His message, that we are not bound by material conditions, is depicted by the chained figures whose bondage is imaginary and self-imposed. The chain loops around their necks are large enough to be lifted off. to consciousness.

Confer with The Devil when you want to overcome physical habits, obsessions or addictions.

Auntie Moon writes Capricorn is not the Devil, preferring The Tarot card #21 The World, which is usually associated with the planet Saturn, ruler of Capricorn. Perhaps it’s a good idea to meditate on both.

Capricorn Sits in the North on the Medicine Wheel.

The sign Capricorn correlates to Cleansing, the first step on the Northern pathway of Sun Bear’s Medicine Wheel. Now is the time to clear the way to a successful conclusion of the annual cycle. The strength of your beliefs developed in the last cycle provides the understanding and courage necessary to remove any obstacles that are blocking your path.

Sabian Symbol for 8º Capricorn:

“In a sun-lit home domesticated birds sing joyfully.” This degree symbolizes the human ability to find enjoyment in the roles they are born to play. — from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases © 1973 Dane Rudhyar

Highlights of the New Moon at 7º Sagittarius 59′:

This Capricorn lunation cycle begins with a re-examination of recent thoughts. There is a tangible feeling of hope. The awareness of opportunity provides motivation and inspiration for the creative release of old wounds (Sun & Moon conjunct Mercury Rx, sextile Mars & Neptune, quintile Chiron). The type of action taken to control a situation will determine the consequences. You can be ruthless and destructive or a force for creative renewal (Mars septile Pluto).  There is an easy flow of communication when discussing practical concerns associated with the future (Mercury trine the Moon’s North Node).  The need to deal with a painful or uncomfortable situation requires a different approach. The desire to believe life is fair and benevolent would rather side-step the unpleasantness (Jupiter quincunx Chiron).

Our advice for this cycle:

This month is an excellent time for re-balancing and redirecting your energies. The more responsible you are about being who you are, expressing your truth, owning your past and your future, your pain and your passion, the more creative and successful your year will be. We recommend finding a creative outlet for the expression of negative feelings. A sense of restriction and annoyance can be frustrating. This is the month for learning to work within the rules and boundaries to achieve your goals. Think of ways to work and grow within your current limits. Structure what you have to fulfill your needs now and going forward.

With Mercury retrograde, the first week of January  is an especially advantageous time to organize and manage your activities for the next three months. Be decisive, take action to set aside the time this month to produce a practical plan. Take care of your physical body, support strong bones through good nutrition and proper exercise. Treat yourself with love, beautify your workplace or do something to give yourself a beauty treatment with special care going to skin, hair, teeth, and nails.

Questions you might explore for more personal insight include:

  • What kind of a role model am I?
  • How do I govern my life?
  • Who sees me as an authority figure?
  • When do I feel most competent?
  • In what areas of my life am I most organized?
  • Where and with whom would life be easier if I were a little less bossy or a little more sensitive?
  • What ideals do I hold dear and how can I give them substance?
  • In what areas of my life do I feel restricted?
  • Make lists of the people who nourished and supported you during the last year, during your adulthood, and during your childhood. What specific aspect of each of them are you most grateful?

Affirm: I am successful working within restrictions.

Stay Current

The Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal posts at each phase with tips on working with the current cosmic and lunar energies.

Sandra shares her personal moon phase journal, Sunny’s Days. We invite you to join her walk through the year. Declare your intentions – start your own moon phase journal. Share your images, words, colors, and goals for this lunation cycle in the comments below the posts.

Or, if you’re on Facebook you can get Zodiac Arts‘ and Sandra’s posts in your news feed and respond there.

Quote for this cycle:

“There is only one person who can measure your success. That person is you.”
~ David McCullough (1933 – )  American author, narrator, historian, and lecturer

Mandala Support

A Mandala is a powerful device for creating and focusing on sacred intentions. We encourage you to create and color your own mandala or print out and color our 2016 Capricorn Mandala.


You are invited to send your mandalas to us for placement in our Mandala Gallery.

Please check out Lynn Keefer’s Mandala Journal, where Lynn shares the mandala she colors every month, along with her meditative process.

Off-site Resources:

Artist, author, educator, and dear friend, Donna Iona Drozda uses solar, lunar and numerological cycles as a blueprint for living the life of a “Heartist.”  Keep up with her Lifecycle offerings and updates on her Lifecycle Blog, and be sure to subscribe to her Luna See email newsletter.

CJ Wright at Auntie Moon offers daily insights and other good lunar tidings at her website, plus she has monthly lunation cycle workbooks. She also has an excellent video: Moon Phases and New Moon Intentions.

Margaret Koolman’s New Moon insights can be found at her website, Margaret writes beautifully and offers excellent counsel.

Jessica Shepherd is always a good read at, as is Elaine Kalantarian at Blur Moon Astrology.

April Elliott Kent at Big Sky Astrology is adept at putting the current cosmic conditions into personally identifiable terms.

Stephanie Gailing, another of our favorites, offers her insights and apothecary suggestions on her web site. Her book, Planetary Apothecary: An Astrological Approach to Health and Wellness, has tips on health-supporting foods, spa and wellness therapies, relaxation practices, yoga poses, aromatherapy, natural remedies, and flower essences customized for each Zodiac sign.

Lynda Hill takes a thorough look at the Sabian Symbols active this cycle.

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