Libra New Moon Mandala

Lynne Lynn Keefer’s Mandala Journal

Libra New Moon
October 16, 2020
Play Your Hand

“Bring what you have, give it in love and let God do the rest.”

Though the three squares in the center of this mandala could just as easily be seen as tumbling blocks, upon first glance the image of a card game came to mind.  You know that moment after the dealer deals the cards and hands you… well your “hand”?  It is often a jumbled mess. You have to take time to straighten them out… get them in order… and start thinking about your strategy.  No matter how gifted the hand or how much one strategizes, quite often a surprise pops up… and you win or lose a trick you hadn’t planned on.  Life is a lot like a game of cards… you win some… you lose some.  And, as they say “it’s all in how you play the game”.  What we’re made of is very much on display in an innocent game of cards. Will we do anything to win? Or will we play fair and square?  Will we get angry when we’re losing or gloat when we’re winning? Or just enjoy the company and the game in a light-hearted manner?  How we play the game says a lot about our character… about who we are and what we bring to the table. 

My musings on The Sabian Symbol for the Libra New Moon: 

A butterfly with a third wing on its left side. 

Butterflies are symbolic of resurrection, endurance, change, hope and life. They, like bees, are pollinators. Not being personally familiar with the aerodynamics of flight I am uncertain as to whether a third wing would help or hinder its flight. At the very least, it seems to me, the extra wing would give more power to the left side of the body.  Off balance, the butterfly might fly in circles until the right side develops enough strength to compensate for the extra power coming from the left.

Another take, the third wing would make the butterfly different from the rest of the butterflies, truly a unique specimen.  Could it be that the thing that makes it different or odd… makes it different is in some way… is its gift to the world?  Its existence, for no other reason perhaps, to challenge the perception of others in what makes the perceived odd one whole…. Or belong.

Then again, If we take into consideration that the extra wing appears on the left side of the body, again wing symbolizing its ability to lift off the ground and travel by air… to fly… could suggest that this butterfly has an extra dose of feminine energy, that receptive, Be-ing type energy… of rest… reflecting, regrouping, recovering, replenishing, receiving, rejuvenating, recreating… that balances our doing, grounds us, lightens our hearts and helps us fly right… straight… with more joy. 

Libra invites us to hold up a mirror to our relationships… to self and others.  Black Kyanite was gifted to me at the new moon to remind me of the importance of good boundaries… super handy in this cycle. This showed up in saying “no” to a request without having to give a reason and also, with the election in particular, in limiting, even more so, my access to social media and the news.  As I reminded a friend, “no” starts with a pucker, like blowing a kiss. 😉 Self care… always a good card to play. 

I always look for “the gift” in October… a sign of things to come that gives me an indication of what I might expect more of in the coming year. A lightbulb moment this cycle was the realization that, for much of my life,  I had been playing a particular card. Not. Any. More!  I see myself more clearly now.  

On Election Day I offered an adaptation of the quote at the top of the page:

“Do what you can 
with as much love as you can muster
and let God do the rest.”

I so admire a new acquaintance.  He is not a US citizen so was not able to vote.  He said he wanted to do what he could… so he played his hand by offering a free novena for peace during the week before the election and until the decision had been announced.  You can fine Simon De Voil on Crowdast.  Such a lovely spirit!

I enjoyed another wonderful 8 day challenge with Donna Drozda this time focusing on William Menanger’s 7 Tenents of Emotional Maturity.  What could be more perfect during the final days of an election cycle?

A surprise visit from Spirit in the guise of snail the day after the election inviting me to play my hand with patience.   The day after several snails appeared so thinking it’s a collective patience.  “Take your time,” she says, “there’s important work afoot!”  Patience… will, perhaps, also be needed in the coming year?

“It’s called a gift for a reason. It allows us to be able to help people in ways that others can’t. And we have to respect that. Learn from it. Take care of it. And never hide it from each other again OK? Deal?


~Ghost Whisperer
S5E22 – final episode

What is so extraordinary about this mandala is the amount of light it represents and the power and the energy of that light.  No matter the cards we’re holding, no matter how messy, whatever we think we’re lacking or have too much of, or perhaps afraid to play, we’re asked to play the hand we’re given to the best of our ability with as much love and light as we can muster then rest in the knowing that we have done what we could and allow God to do what remains – if anything. There is so much to be done to encourage more light in the world… it can feel truly overwhelming. Love and acceptance of the other – especially one that is different… the one with the extra wing… or a different point of view… is so necessary… so needed right now.  Playing your cards with love and light  encourages others to do the same.

FB share by Begin with Yes

A simple game… a simple path.  Where to start?  With the cards in our hand.  Take note of what we’re holding… of who we are and the gifts we possess…  and decide… how we’re gonna play it. 

Love, hugs and blessings,
L xoxxx