Turning Within

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Sunny’s Days


Transformation in its purest form as seen in my own backyard. 

Turning within is easier for those of us who are introspective or introverted by nature. Yet we are so consumed with the bus-i-ness of life that it is challenging to make or take the time to get intimate with our deepest selves. My dear friend and fellow lunatic,  Donna Drozda, talks about the power of stepping off the fast track if even for just a few minutes a day in her latest blog post.

This Scorpio lunation cycle is in my 7th house of marriage and other personal relationships. Scorpio’s rulers, Pluto and Mars, are in my 4th and 2nd houses respectively. From that information and the particular characteristics of this cycle, I can expect to be exploring places this month that I would prefer to avoid. Places where I hide my deepest emotional and financial insecurities. Places where I have chosen fantasy over reality.

Knowing the number of personal cycles that are beginning and ending over the course of this year and next, this is an excellent time for me to gain a deeper understanding of how to manage the changes ahead. In other words, face the fears and move along.

I am still forming my more tangible goals for this cycle. My visions thus far include an awareness of natural cycles, beauty, and freedom.

The local saying, “Lucky to live Hawaii” is true. We are lucky to have Crown flowers in our backyard, which are food for the Hawaiian Monarch Butterfly.  These are images of the transformation taking place right now in our backyard.











During the new phase of this cycle, it is important to focus on images that capture your attention. Your inner vision sees your intention as it is forming.

What intentions are you forming via your visual awareness?