New Moon in Capricorn, January 9, 2016

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts New Moon News

Here’s the chart for the Capricorn New Moon: New Moon in Capricorn January 9, 2016 Our free online calendars have the exact time and date in your zone  Capricorn The sign of Capricorn is associated with materialism, practicality, reality, and a sense of responsibility, it is the sign of the …

The Inner Journey Continues

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Sunny’s Days

2015 Sagittarius Mandala Revised to illustrate progressive steps inward & expanded realities in the outer world. Here I am at the end of the Gibbous phase of the cycle. Time to make necessary adjustments in support of my goals for the cycle, which were to gain a deeper understanding of …