Leo New Moon Mandala

Lynne Lynn Keefer’s Mandala Journal

Leo New MoonJuly 28-August 26, 2022Small Things Done Daily “Sic Parvis MagnaGreatness From Small Beginnings.”From the movie “Unchartered” “Life lives and vibrates in me.”… that life proceeds from the holy source, that it flows toward an end of supreme worth and that it is “gift”, benediction and vocation.~ Meditations on …

Gemini New Moon-Solar Eclipse Mandala

Lynne Lynn Keefer’s Mandala Journal

Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse19Gemini47June 10, 2021Unity in Diversity “On this New Moon and Solar Eclipse day, use the spirit of a new beginning and a new cycle to get inspired by something positive you wish to grow. Be careful not to seed anything from a place of anger or …