Libra Lunation Cycle, Balsamic Phase: November 7 – 11

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal


Relax and trust yourself to find the balance you need.

Libra lunation cycle, Balsamic phase

Libra lunation cycle, Balsamic phase: November 7 – 11
The ending of the Libra cycle calls for quiet contemplation. It’s time to surrender your relationship worries and dwell on deepening the most important relationship of all – your relationship with your self.

November  7    9
This is a good weekend to relax via the arts. Enjoy the companionship of good friends in an aesthetic environment. Think about the components of the conversation. What makes the interaction flow?

November  10 – 11
Allow yourself time to withdraw from social activities. Give yourself space to explore the emotional depths that have been touched during this cycle. Think of this time as an investment in yourself and in your future relationships.