Sagittarius Lunation Cycle, Balsamic Phase: January 6 – 9

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal


“The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new.”~ Pema Chodron

Sagittarius lunation cycle, Balsamic phase

January 6 – 9
Time to bring closure to what was begun during the new phase (December 11 – 15). A quick review of the last three and a half weeks will point out the old beliefs that need to be released in order to begin the Capricorn lunation cycle on January 9 with consciousness and clarity.

January 6 – 8
Reflect on the mutability of truth. Surrender moral superiority and self-righteousness. Find serenity in quiet moments. Listen or dance to inspirational music.

January 8-9
These two days are excellent for contemplating your ambitions. Ask yourself how hard you are willing to work for what you want or if some of your goals are really idealized fantasies. Meditate with drums or chant.

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