Scorpio Lunation Cycle, Balsamic Phase: December 7 – 10

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal


“Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness.” – Buddha

Scorpio lunation cycle, Balsamic phase

December 7 – 10

Time to bring closure to what was begun during the new phase (November 11 – 15). Clear your mind and your environment of negativity. Listen to this 11-minute meditation on releasing fears and worries or listen to deeply relaxing music.

Transformation occurs through the death of outdated desires and compulsions. Let go of stress over things you cannot control.

December 7 – 9
This is an excellent time to contemplate endings and beginnings, death, sexuality, the mysteries of life. Be most attentive to the subsequent emotions. Acknowledge any pain, sorrow, guilt, or regret and let it go. As long as there is an attachment, the transformation process is stalled.

December 9 – 10
Let your imagination take you on a tour of foreign lands. What new horizons speak to you of rebirth and renewal? Note the landscapes that ignite your passions. Carry these seeds for the future into your dream time.

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