New Moon in Aries, March 27, 2017

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts New Moon News

Here’s the chart for the Aries New Moon:


2017-Aries-New-Moon-ChartNew Moon in Aries
March 27, 2017


Aries is a Fire sign, ruled by Mars, with an emphasis on excitement and adventure. Issues involving political or industrial leaders, the military, exploration and feats of courage become accentuated during the Aries cycle.

The sign of Aries is associated with personal initiative, assertiveness and leadership. The house holding Aries in the natal chart shows an area of life where one can be impulsive, impatient and aggressive as well as independent, pioneering and decisive.

The key phrase for Aries is “I Am”.
Aries symbol: the ram:


Aries glyph:


Tarot Symbolism

Attune to the qualities of Aries with 3-minute tarot meditation on The Emperor.


Ruled by Mars, Aries and The Emperor teach us to be pioneering and to wield our power with compassion. The Emperor is about structure, form and order. Carol Bridges calls this card “Command” and says, “Command is not power over the force, but working with the force. It is taking advantage of a flow already strongly going.”

Confer with The Emperor for clarity, insight and self-discovery.

Aries sits in the East on the Medicine Wheel.

Aries correlates to Clarity, the first step on the Eastern pathway of Sun Bear’s Medicine Wheel. The releasing and merging process of the Pisces cycle leads to purity of vision and the ability to begin anew with a fresh vision of who you are and another journey around the wheel.

Highlights of the New Moon at 7º Aries 37′:

Personal values and resources are being given a closer look. Past heartaches need to be resolved and released before forging ahead to new adventures (Venus Retrograde until April 15). There is a disconnect between the desire to be of service or the need to attend to practical details and the ability or willingness to set aside personal feelings that are currently under review. Insecurities about appearances and self-worth cause an awkwardness in social situations and frustration in relationships (Venus Rx quincunx the North Node).

Expanded inspiration leads to creative breakthroughs (Jupiter bi-quintile Neptune).

Power versus Justice is the overriding theme of this cycle (Jupiter square Pluto).

Values continue to be a focus of attention requiring a review of psychological and tangible resources. Self-examination brings clarity to areas in need of action and provides a renewed zeal for interacting with others, gathering and distributing information. (Mercury Retrograde April 9 – May 3)

Sabian Symbol for 8º Aries:

“A Large Woman’s Hat With Streamers Blown By An East Wind”  This degree symbolizes protection and spiritual guidance in the development of consciousness. — from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases © 1973 Dane Rudhyar

Our advice for this cycle:

The Aries lunation cycle calls for initiating action. Although the urge to get going is strong, the action this cycle revolves around establishing one’s identity first and is best used by spending time alone in self-examination. Get to know yourself. Do mirror work, draw self-portraits, meditate on the phrase “I AM”. Think about the roles you’ve played in life and how you have identified with them. Who are you now and who are you becoming?

This is the cycle to explore, practice, and review your craft for new insights. Indulge in flights of imagination and see where it takes you.

The desire for attention is easily manipulated to obscure the truth. It takes honesty and courage to face one’s shadow, and embrace it with compassionate love. Now is the time to see yourself clearly and doing so can revolutionize your ideas about balance, spirituality and justice.

This is an excellent month to visualize the various actions you might take that would transform your life and provide a brand new beginning. You may find clues by reviewing the last two weeks of November. Consider what you’ve learned since then and use this time to become clear on your goals for the rest of the year.

Questions you might explore for personal insight include:

  • Is there someone or something that ignites your anger and puts you on a destructive course?
  • How and where could you be more independent, innovative and courageous?
  • What situations motivate you to take the lead and why?
  • What kind of a leader are you?
  • Do you look ahead and plan for the consequences of your actions?
  • How well do you share power with others?
  • Where and with whom would life be easier if you were a little less self-serving?
  • When are you most likely to leap before looking?
  • What leadership qualities do you admire in others?
  • Consider the changes you foresee in your future. Do they fill you with apprehension, excitement, enthusiasm?
  • How do you express and maintain your identity while honoring your duty to others?
Affirm: I Am Awakened to New Possibilities.

Stay Current

The Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal, which usually posts at each phase with tips on working with the current cosmic and lunar energies, is currently on hiatus and the posts are sporadic.

Sandra shares her personal moon phase journal, Sunny’s Days. We invite you to join her walk through the year. Declare your intentions – start your own moon phase journal. Share your images, words, colors, and goals for this lunation cycle in the comments below the posts.

Or, if you’re on Facebook, you can get Zodiac Arts‘ and Sandra’s posts in your news feed and respond there.

Quote for this cycle:

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
~ John Quincy Adams  (1767 – 1848) American statesman who served as a diplomat, United States Senator, member of the House of Representatives, and as the 6th President of the United States.

Mandala Support

A Mandala is a powerful device for creating and focusing on sacred intentions. We encourage you to create and color your own mandala or print out and color our 2017 Aries New Moon Mandala.


You are invited to send your mandalas to us for placement in our Mandala Gallery.

Please check out Lynn Keefer’s Mandala Journal, where Lynn shares the mandala she colors every month, along with her meditative process.

Off-site Resources:

Artist, author, educator, and dear friend, Donna Iona Drozda uses solar, lunar and numerological cycles as a blueprint for living the life of a “Heartist.”  Keep up with her Lifecycle offerings and updates on her Lifecycle Blog, and be sure to subscribe to her Luna See email newsletter.

CJ Wright at Auntie Moon offers daily insights and other good lunar tidings at her website, plus she has monthly lunation cycle workbooks. She also has an excellent video: Moon Phases and New Moon Intentions.

Margaret Koolman’s New Moon insights can be found at her website, Margaret writes beautifully and offers excellent counsel.

Jessica Shepherd is always a good read at, as is Elaine Kalantarian at Blue Moon Astrology.

April Elliott Kent at Big Sky Astrology is adept at putting the current cosmic conditions into personally identifiable terms.

Nadia Gilchrist at Ruby Slipper Astrology writes about the Aries New Moon.

Stephanie Gailing, another of our favorites, offers her insights and apothecary suggestions on her web site. Her book, Planetary Apothecary: An Astrological Approach to Health and Wellness, has tips on health-supporting foods, spa and wellness therapies, relaxation practices, yoga poses, aromatherapy, natural remedies, and flower essences customized for each Zodiac sign.

Lynda Hill takes a thorough look at the Sabian Symbols active this cycle.

Christina Rodenbeck at The Oxford Astrologer freely writes and posts excellent articles on current transits, world events and the arts. Her monthly horoscopes are well worth a small subscription fee.

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