New Moon in Virgo, September 12/13, 2015

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts New Moon News

Here’s the chart for the Virgo New Moon, which is also a Solar Eclipse:


New Moon in Virgo

September 12/13, 2015

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The sign of Virgo is associated with humility, analysis, and service. The house that Virgo occupies in the natal chart shows an area of life where one can over-think, find fault, and lose sight of the forest for the trees. It also shows the area where one can be especially disciplined, meticulous, refined, and helpful. Virgo is an earth sign with a focus on the physical body and the daily routines necessary to sustain it. Ruled by Mercury, there is an emphasis on discernment, order, and craftsmanship. Issues involving the armed services, unions, laborers, inspectors, clerical workers, employees, domestic pets, small animals, grains, clothing, and public health and hygiene become accentuated during the Virgo cycle.

Sabian Symbol for 21 degrees Virgo:

“A Girl’s Basketball Team.” This degree symbolizes the need for physical training and teamwork aimed at participating in a collective culture.

New Moon at 20 degrees Virgo 10 minutes:

Three planets in Virgo and two in Leo at the beginning of this lunation cycle accentuate the idea of using individual self-expression to benefit the collective. Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, goes retrograde at 16º Libra on September 17 until the end of this cycle, calling for a review of communication within relationships. The entry of the Sun into Libra on September 22/23 marks the equinox and the turning of the seasons, which, compounded by the Lunar Eclipse on September 27, adds to the emotional tension that is a highlight of this cycle.

Mercury sextile Venus:

Opportunities for artistic and literary communications.

Mercury septile Mars:

Impassioned communications.

Mars quindecile Neptune:

obsessive drive for immersion in nirvana, via spirituality, creativity, or addiction.

Jupiter opposite Neptune:

The wish to believe in something may override the facts. A balancing act between faith and truth. The need for discrimination with acts of compassion. There is the potential for distortion of spiritual values.

The key phrase for Virgo is “I Analyze”.

The simple rituals of daily life provide the grounding necessary for balance. Good health, altruistic service, and productive employment support success; practicality and prudence guarantee it. This is an excellent cycle to examine your daily routines, diet, habits, and hygiene for areas that are in need of improvement and to initiate necessary changes.

Our advice for this cycle:

Pay attention to signals from your body that it needs care. If you find yourself physically fatigued, emotionally overwrought, or mentally tense, take a few minutes to sit still, breathe, and center. Focus on your heartbeat.

Humility and introspection are key to moving forward during this exciting, yet confusing period. This cycle insists that you be aware of overly optimistic goals and deceitful tactics. Be decerning about how you invest your time. Look within for underlying motives that allow you to neglect practicalities. Think twice before speaking your mind or making a commitment.

Find peace and develop self-awareness – write poetry! You’ll be surprised at your ability to express yourself.

Virgo correlates to Love, the third and final step on the Southern pathway of Sun Bear’s Medicine Wheel. The trust developed during the Leo cycle allows you to invest yourself in service with passionate devotion.

Questions you might explore for personal insight include:

  • What situations do you find most difficult to digest?
  • Is there an area of your life where you are prone to ‘analysis paralysis’?
  • When and with whom are you most trusting?
  • Where and with whom would life be easier if you were less critical and more humble?
  • How do you express your love?
  • What are your daily rituals or habits?
  • When are you most disciplined?
  • How do you give service to others?
  • When do you feel most relaxed and worry-free?
Affirm: I am guided by my heart’s purity of purpose.

How your Sun sign relates to this cycle (coming soon)


Tarot Symbolism

Attune to the qualities of Virgo with a 3-minute tarot meditation on The Hermit.


The Hermit holds the light for us to stay upon the path in times of darkness. He is the figure of elder wisdom; an experienced guide, well-versed in natural and spiritual law. He teaches us to make use of solitude to question our beliefs, to become conscious of universal cause–and-effect and to discern wholeness.

Confer with the Hermit whenever you need guidance.


Quote for this cycle:

“Out of routine comes inspiration.”
~ Mark Kostabi (1960 – ) American artist and composer


Mandala Support

A Mandala is a powerful meditational device for creating sacred intentions. We encourage you to create and color your own mandala or print the 2015 Virgo New Moon Mandala to Color.



You are invited to send your mandalas to us for placement in our Mandala Gallery.

Please check out Lynn Keefer’s Mandala Journal, where Lynn shares the mandala she colors every month, along with her meditative process. Click on the mandala below or the link above to see a larger version of her Leo New Moon Mandala and read about her experience with the exercise. The energy flows in beautifully from one cycle into the next.

NOTE: Lynn has been occupied coordinating the booster effort for her daughter’s HS volleyball team. Her mandala and journal entry will be posted by September 20, 2015. Please check back in a few days.

Off-site Resources:

Artist, author, educator, and dear friend, Donna Iona Drozda uses solar, lunar and numerological cycles as a blueprint for living the life of a “Heartist.” Keep up with her Lifecycle offerings and updates on her Lifecycle Blog, and be sure to subscribe to her Luna See email newsletter.

CJ Wright at Auntie Moon offers daily insights and other good lunar tidings at her website. She also has an excellent video: Moon Phases and New Moon Intentions.

Margaret Koolman’s New Moon insights can be found at her website, Margaret writes beautifully and offers excellent counsel.

Jessica Shepherd at has a perceptive article about this month’s New Moon titled Virgo New Moon Eclipse: The Critic and the Crepe.

April Elliott Kent at Big Sky Astrology is excellent at putting the current cosmic conditions into relatable, practical terms. We recommend her latest, Solar Eclipse in Virgo: Go Deeper.

Stephanie Gailing is another of our favorites. You can visit her blog or receive her weekly entries in your mailbox via an e-mail subscription. She usually shares her insights on the new and full moons. We also recommend her book, Planetary Apothecary. Here’s her post on the Virgo Solar Eclipse.