2015 Scorpio Lunation Cycle

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal


Introspection gives me strength.

Scorpio Lunation Cycle November 11 – December 10, 2015

The New Moon in Scorpio begins a 29.6-day cycle focusing on the issues of power, trust, and intimacy. During this cycle you can connect to a deeper aspect of yourself, one usually kept private. Use this cycle to examine your compulsions and obsessions. This is a time when perceived liabilities can become assets and vice versa. The physical reality that we are conscious of is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. And what we do perceive is often clouded by preconception and expectation. The truth of who and what we really are is so much more than what we think we know.

Read our full analysis of the aspects, along with our advice for this cycle.