Capricorn Lunation Cycle, Gibbous Phase: January 20 – 23

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Enhance your intentions. Nourish your vision. Capricorn lunation cycle, Gibbous phase January 20 – 23 Refine your intentions by polishing your vision. Trust in your ability to achieve success. Clear out self-doubt and criticism. Examine past achievements for the images and feelings evoked. Look for what you can improve. Take …

Capricorn Lunation Cycle, 1st Quarter Phase: January 16 – 19

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Time to get started! Capricorn Lunation Cycle, 1st Quarter Moon January 16 – 19 Time to lay the groundwork for manifesting your goal. Put your plans in action. Be clear and succinct in expressing your purpose. January 16 Affirm your identity. Be a leader. Strike out for new territory. January …

Capricorn Lunation Cycle, Crescent Phase: January 13 – 16

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

What emotions are at the root of your goals? Capricorn lunation cycle, Crescent phase January 13 – 16 This phase of the lunation cycle is about developing the resources necessary to manifest your intention. The first step is gathering information by taking an inventory of your assets… tangible and intangible. …

Capricorn Lunation Cycle, New Phase: January 9 – 12

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Meditation for the Capricorn New Moon Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, hands resting on tops of thighs, feet flat on the floor, breathe deeply… inhale Peace… exhale Strength… inhale Patience… exhale Wisdom… inhale Renewal… exhale Realization… Imagine yourself as a tall and elegant tree Your branches providing structure …

2016 Capricorn Lunation Cycle

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Realization of bondage is liberating Capricorn Lunation Cycle January 9 – February 7, 2016 The New Moon in Capricorn begins a 29.6-day cycle focusing on structure, organization, responsibility, ambition, status, and achievement. This is the cycle to follow up on the seeds you planted last spring. Use Mercury Retrograde to …

New Moon in Capricorn, January 9, 2016

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts New Moon News

Here’s the chart for the Capricorn New Moon: New Moon in Capricorn January 9, 2016 Our free online calendars have the exact time and date in your zone  Capricorn The sign of Capricorn is associated with materialism, practicality, reality, and a sense of responsibility, it is the sign of the …

Mercury Retrograde January 5 – 25, 2016

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Mercury stations retrograde at 1º Aquarius 24″  Mercury, the messenger, in the sign Capricorn focuses attention on professional, business, or government related communication. Its transit through Capricorn usually suggests a smooth organization and prioritization of responsibilities and the ability to communicate with authority. When transiting Capricorn in retrograde motion the focus …