Communicate Your Creativity

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Leo lunation cycle (August 11 – September 9)

Last Quarter phase (September 2 – 5)

All Last Quarter phases emphasize the need for accepting responsibility for bringing the cycle to closure. This cycle you are responsible for communicating your heart, love, courage, and creativity.  The  transformative power of words to heal is in your hands. Will you use it?

Things are in a state of flux causing emotional agitation. You may be called to act on new information. Release issues of trust that keep you from thriving. 

Express gratitude for all that sustains you.  Massage and aromatherapy will support you physically and emotionally during these few days. Give special attention to the areas from your neck down to your stomach.
Find an overview of this Leo lunation cycle here, along with a more in-depth description of the Last Quarter Phase here.
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