Sagittarius Lunation Cycle, Balsamic Phase: December 24 – 28

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Find serenity in quiet moments. Sagittarius lunation cycle, Balsamic phase December 24 – 28 Take time out for quiet introspection during these last days of the Sagittarius lunation cycle. Liberation from the past must be attained in order to begin anew with consciousness and clarity. Ask: What do I need …

Sagittarius Lunation Cycle, Last Quarter Phase: December 20 – 24

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Move beyond perceived limitations. Sagittarius lunation cycle, Last Quarter phase December 20 – 24 Time to wrap up the affairs of this cycle. Review your experiences thus far. What have you learned about your philosophy? What idea motivated you to take action? What can you do to increase your understanding of …

Sagittarius Lunation Cycle, Disseminating Phase: December 17 – 20

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Share your inspiration and enthusiasm. Sagittarius lunation cycle, Disseminating phase December 17 – 20 This is the phase for discussing your vision with as many as you can. Voyage into foreign territory by sharing your ideas outside your normal circles. Describe how your vision aligns with a bigger picture, how it …

Sagittarius Lunation Cycle, Full Phase: December 13 -16

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

How do your relationships affect your philosophy of life? Sagittarius lunation cycle, Full phase December 13 – 16 Awareness comes through random information or a change of mind. Recognize the capricious nature of prejudices and opinions. While all around you others may be running to and fro, fickle and arbitrary, …

Sagittarius Lunation Cycle, Gibbous Phase: December 10 – 13

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Trust your inner vision. Sagittarius lunation cycle, Gibbous phase December 10 – 13 This is a pivotal point in the cycle when your intentions need to be reviewed for relevancy. Refine your goal by visualizing your purpose. Draw or photograph how your aspirations would look if they were fulfilled. Question …

Sagittarius Lunation Cycle, 1st Qtr Phase: December 7 – 10

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

A step up will give you a broader view. Sagittarius lunation cycle, 1st quarter phase December 7 – 10 What can you do to initiate actualization of your goal? Use your dreams for motivation. Wisdom promotes modifying restrictions and setting higher standards. It’s time to put past beliefs behind so …

Sagittarius Cycle, Crescent Phase: December 3 – 6

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Setting up for success. Sagittarius lunation cycle, Crescent phase December 3 – 6 Now is the time to develop a strategy for protecting and sustaining your vision. Practicality says to note your position and the prevailing conditions as you aim for achievement. Commit to your goal by declaring your ambitions …

Sagittarius Lunation Cycle, New Phase November 29 – December 3, 2016

Sandra "Sunny" Mosley Zodiac Arts Moon Phase Journal

Seek your strength. 2016 Sagittarius New Moon Mandala Sagittarius lunation cycle, New phase November 29 – December 3 Use these 3.5-days to form your intent. This is when you can achieve a higher level of understanding regarding yourself and the world. Consider the house of your natal chart that holds …